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  • Birb.mp4
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I've tossed in an mp4 and webm version if for some reason you want a higher quality look at the birb.

Gonna just paste my explanation for how I came up with this design from the FA post here, so if you've seen that already this will just be a repeat, but it's very long and I don't want to type all that out again in some slightly unique fashion so... sorry. :P


I know I just made Moira the Albino Goth  Raccoon, but that was made with a community driven design process, where  I let the inspiration for all the design cues come from the chatters-  which was a lot of fun yes, but also meant it did precisely 0% to  scratch the itches for the ideas I had already wanted to make so it was  really inevitable that another model would be on the way I think.

I noticed recently (and then had it pointed out to me a few times after  that, reinforcing the idea) that my male characters tend to fall into  two camps- extremely feminine girly boys, and gigantic stompy beasts,  with not much in between. The reason for this is that I'm straight  enough that "average male" character territory tends to be where I start  to lose interest, so I need to push male characters to some kind of  extreme to get much out of 'em. In my case that usually means "basically  a girl" or "basically a werewolf", haha. But it does create a bit of a  missing middle so I figured having someone to fill in that gap could be  good, but if I'm going to stay interested in the character I'm gonna  have to get weird with it. Human looking anatomy just ain't gonna do it  for me.

Right out of the gate this had me thinking something avian or lizardy,  as I find those species tend to tolerate exotic anatomy particularly  well. I didn't have anything specific in mind exactly, but was just sort  of keeping my eyes open for inspiration to strike, which it eventually  did in the form of stumbling on a picture I had saved sometime years ago  while doing some file sorting. It was just a picture of a "great eared  nightjar", which the image described said bird as basically being a  "dragon bird" which immediately had my interest. I started poking around  to see if anyone else had done anything with this creature and didn't  see much of anything on e6 which had me very excited, but then after a  little more searching I found some people had done work with it on FA in  the past and because I'm a huge fucking hipster that took the wind out  of my sails a bit.

But the idea had struck a chord so I started thinking- what about an  -actual- dragon bird hybrid? And that kinda intrigued me so I did some  quick design doodles and like what I saw, so I started modelling it up!  But around the point I was making some horns for it I started to think  about how annoying horns can be to deal with, they can cause a lot of  trouble when a character is laying on their back and this boy will  probably be on his back from time to time if you know what I mean. I was  debating to myself what I was going to do with them when the lightbulb  moment struck.

I started thinking about evolutionary mimicry, how some species will  evolve to look extremely similar to some other species as a form of  defence, so what if not dragon-birb, but birb that -looks- like dragon?  At which point I realized I had circled back around to the original idea  but at least I'm doing it in a more unique and creative way now so that  was good enough for me, hah.

So, that's what we've got here! A bird who has evolved in such a way  that their feathers resemble the plates, horns and tail of a dragon, and  even some eastern-dragon like tassel things. I figure, if you're  literally made of chicken, evolving to  look like an apex predator at a glance would probably be a pretty handy  trait to have. It lends him a somewhat fierce demeanour, but I figure  since it's all literally a facade, he's probably a total dork or shy boy  or something underneath all those simulated pointy bits.

He's not particularly huge, nor particularly small- he should fit just  nicely right in the middle amonst all my male models and serve as a nice  gap filler (heyo). And also like, he's a dragon bird, how do you go  wrong?

Naming and ref sheet and first smutting all coming up in the near future!




funnily enough, I've been designing my own dragony bird for a bit now! I think it's an appealing idea!


Ooh! Send me a link when it's done, I'm curious to see your take on it! And maybe the two dragonbirbs should bump into each other at some point. :P


The faux-horns are so handsome, I'm surprised to say I haven't really seen a feature like that much before!


Sorry slow reply, but thank you! I gotta admit I'm a lil' pleased with myself for the idea on this guy, I think he turned out kinda neato, hah.