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Thanks for answering my question yesterday! In exchange for having to deal with icky business talk, I offer an early look at a thing I'm fiddling around with. Very early WIP, stumpy tail and weird horn things are bits that proper feathers will come out from at a later date. He's a newborn, be patient, his feathers will grow out in time. :P

Screwing around with a bit more angularity and sharp lines to see how it feels. Looks pretty nice at this stage IMO, but we'll see how it holds up when buried under a mountain of fluff.



Bloudin Ruo

New birdoooo! Super excited ^^


Are you going to stream rigging this one? would love to see your process again <3


I'm thinking about it! I would have streamed the model making process too, but honestly I had no idea what I was doing and it would have been really boring. It was two full days of nudging a few verts around and then staring at it and thinking for a few minutes. Repeat for hours. Not great watching material. x3