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Right in the middle of the making of the Fluffer animation (which is up on e621 if you haven't seen it yet...), we had a hurricane blow through and knock out the power for a few days. This meant I couldn't work on the animation for a bit 'cause my little tablet isn't really up to the task, but it's just about strong enough for a bit of simple mesh modelling, so I kept myself entertained during the power outage by starting up a new model. 

I figured now that I have Jessie and now that he's got a model, it would be just cruel to not also make his wife so they can be together! So I did. I got her to about 75% of the way done over the few days the power was out, and set her on the backburner for when I had a little free time.   After all the animation that went into the fluffer I needed a little time to unwind anyway, and decided to use that unwind time to finish her up. 

Et voila, Aurora, whom I can't help but just call Wolf Wife all the time because I find something about that funny.   Needs some tweaks and adjustments still but far enough along to share, I figured!




She's lovely!!

Jackson triggs

Nothing but yes on this one