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A few silly drawing errors in this one- what else is new. Especially in that middle panel. As always I'll try and fix 'em up during painting.

Drawing sarcasm into body language is something I'm not sure I've done before, it was a bit tricky but hopefully it comes through well enough!




The hell'd you give her? She's out like a light. Oh, well. Horsey Foxy sexy times ahead!


His doctor definitely got him the good stuff. That ain't no ibuprofen. x3

Bloudin Ruo

You say there's errors in the middle panels, I say there's good expression in there from the stallion that we haven't been able to see yet :) In previous pages it felt like he was wearing a half-lidded "Meh" expression the whole time, so it's good to see him have a lot more going on with his eyes and eyebrows! Already the three middle panels have endeared me a good bit more towards him. Maybe it's because we haven't gotten many panels with close-up facial shots with him or what, but I think they're great! I feel you did a great job, especially on the last panel, of conveying sarcasm with just Kyle's facial expression. It's almost 'too' innocent, which is the point :) I think the only thing I would say as a tweak and this is REALLY being nitpicky, is that Kyle's neck feels a little too long in the last two panels... But unless you're really staring at it with the critical intent that I'm doing now, it doesn't draw your eye so it may not even be worth the additional effort of tweaking. Totally up to you! I also love the little line of drool in panel #4... She's out!


I'm sort of aiming for a 'disinterested coolness' with the horse guy, but I also don't want him to be completely lifeless, so a bit of expression when appropriate seemed like a good idea. Especially if they make him a little more likeable. I was aiming for a bit of comedy early on when he shoved the fennec out of his way, but I kinda messed it up and just made everyone hate the horse. xD Some things I can fix after inking, but there wasn't much I could do to shorten the length of his neck. I see what you're saying though and I'll see if I can prevent that happening going forward!