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Time for another Q&A podcast, where I have answered questions from The Jimquisition's lovely patrons. Today we talk Britain, PS2 and PS1 games, and MANY OTHER THINGS! 




there is a Star Fox animated series being put together by one guy on YT called "A Fox in Space" which has a very late-70s kinda Heavy Metal/Bakshi oeuvre.


Wooo! I started doing these, because it's a hekkin good idea.


The Fucking Pedant here: the Civ games are turn-based, not RTS.


<i>"Why can't I just pick up a thing and keep it in my hand?!"</i> - <b>An early Proconsul genus ancestor of Jim Sterling (est. 25 million years ago)</b> When you said "I'll do as many as I can before Justin comes in" at the beginning, the whole tone of the Patreodcast changed. Suddenly the tension was almost unbearable... :p Right, serious point time. Regarding the question you received about adapting games to TV series/comics - being a big literature nerd myself, the thing I tend to miss about film versions of written fiction is the lack of (or poor implementation of) the prose. Narration and visual analogy can work if done right, but in my mind it's almost never the same, not unless it was conceived to be visually implemented to begin with. It might simply be that I've ruined that part of my mind by reading a load of poetry, literary criticism, etc but I was wondering if anyone else reading this misses direct prose from film/games/etc. EDIT: I forgot that I asked about the Medieval remake! :3


I would love to see a TV series set in the Empire of the Isles of Dishonored


I don't quite get some of the people that say Steam needs competition. Because it always seems like it's just in service of making Steam get their shit together so we can all just use Steam. Like no one wants to actually use the competition, they just want Steam to be better so they can only use that. I don't think we need more DRM storefronts like Epic and Steam, I'd like GOG to get bigger and have more DRM free stores and services. Because otherwise we're just going around in circles with putting up with shitty companies being shitty.


Something that's come up out of this wider discussion is the idea of developers selling to online stores at a wholesale price, and the stores then put their own markup on it. That would probably still favour the biggest players, and do nothing to dethrone monopolies. Interesting idea, though, and I'd like to see it discussed more than everyone banging on about Epic's store. And while we're on the topic, I <em>never</em> liked Steam; I only put up with it, while everyone around me seemed to love it, not caring that DRM is still an anti-consumer practice, just because it's less obnoxious than what came before it. I still put up with it, but I draw the line at anything that includes 3rd-party DRM (i.e. not Steamworks).


Who is this Jim Sterling guy anyway? I've never heard of him, I'm just typing this from an alternate reality wherein I have access to a single chat window. Oh well, more's the pity that I'll never know who Jim Sterling is.