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Kind Friends and Companions, I have a heavy announcement to make.
I had to bust out a video because of the gravity of the situation.

TL;DR: Due to recent policy changes, my Patreon account is at incredible risk. Thus, I am initiating a move to SubscribeStar


Here's a breakdown of the situation:

Last week, Patreon updated their community guidelines.

This change affects substantial portions of my work, most notable of which is the current ongoing Fluttershy comic: Tactile Response. This change is outside of my control, and I have no power to fight it.

My options are:

  • Remain on Patreon, delete pages 3-onwards of the comic, and start working on something else.

  • Continue the comic by moving onto another support platform.

  • Continue the comic on Patreon, and live in fear of the eventual termination of my account.

After thinking long and hard about the situation. I've decided to migrate over to SubscribeStar in order to continue the comic. I really don't want to leave here. You guys have given me so much, and it hurts leaving a place I spent years growing and nurturing. But I must prepare for the worst case scenario. And thus, I am making this announcement, while I still can.

Moving to SubsribeStar

The comic Tactile Response will continue as planned. With no changes. I'm gonna keep posting here, while I can. But the safest place to continue posting will be on SubscribeStar. I'm really sorry about the hassle of moving over to a different platform. But I very much hope that you'll join me on this move.

All Patron tiers will have their equivalent SubscribeStar tiers. So no changes on that end.

I will be uploading the entirety of the Patreon Archive onto SubscribeStar, so you won't be losing any access to any content with the switch.
Please note: I am still currently uploading everything onto Subscribestar as of the moment. (it's a lot of stuff to upload on my slow internet. haha~)

I don't want you getting charged twice in the same month though.

So, what you should do is, stop your pledge on Patreon, BEFORE the next time you get charged. That way, you can move over to SubscribeStar any time over the next few months without getting charged any more than you normally would. I'll keep posting on here as long as I can, so please migrate whenever it's convenient for you. :D

For as long as I am still on the Patreon platform, I will continue to post as usual.

But still, I would love it if you would come with me to a platform that won't just suddenly decide that I'm not allowed to continue what I've been working on for years. (Oh man, I hope I didn't jinx that.)

About the monthly polls:

As long as the audience is split, I will continue to accept all poll submissions from all Legacy Tier Supporters on both platforms. I will also be adding the results of the polls on both platforms to determine the monthly winner.

That's pretty much it.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to comment on here. Or you can send me a message on here or in the Discord server. I lurk there most of the time (I just don't have much to say most of the time).

Right now I'll be actively moving over the archive of Patreon Posts onto SubscribeStar. Then I'm off to bed. I'll respond to anyone's concerns as soon as I can.

Thank you for your time. Sorry about the hassle. And Long Live Lewds.

Warmest regards,

Oh, and here's the Luna pic from the video~





I already have SubscribeStar for other creators, easy move to go over there. Patreon has been just getting worse, very sad to see.


Just moved on over. See you guys on the other side!