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So.. That was the last weekend before I create the public version next weekend.
I finished the stuff for the bondage cryo pod and also added a ping function.

On Saturday i finished the AI live events for the bondage milking cryo pod and i also generated the generic events that come with it.

On sunday i switched focus to something different. Since triggerable events are not really shown in a obvious way i thought... why not create a sonar/radar function. So i did. With the button "G" you can now scan your vicinity for triggerable events. (as shown in the GIF)

And yes.. Next weekend is public release time for everyone.
A little Christmas gift so to speak xD

(I just need to compile all versions again.. urrggss...)




that sonar feature is a great idea! Thanks for the QoL love.


<p style="color: #008600;">Sounds very good! I'm glad that you had so many good ideas and you tried to implement them. I'm especially impressed by a sonar/radar function</p>