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(Sorry for the missing post last weekend i was caught up with family events)

This weekend was a very productive one . i Finished all the events for the Pirate base which i ment to include into the update. Currently only the first two rooms are open and the others will come in the next updates.

Furthermore i also implemented a new outfit (as seen in the gif) which is my attempt for a succubus outfit. (monstergirls... but.. only kind of) This outfit can also be found inside of the pirate base.

I also added the new device which will also be buildable if you roam around in the pirate base a bit (the base itself is not big so do not worry , you will find it xD)

And i also added the spellchecking feature back into the game. Complete with Exe and stuff (just like in AATOFL). With this i updated the programm since it had an error in where the text focus was lost once the user wrote somethign into the current VN frame.

I am currently at alpha testing the game in the Editor and once i am done i will create the closed beta for the Patreons and once i ironed out the biggest bugs they found , i can create the open beta ( i assume one or two weeks later)

Okay.. hope this was enough information for you guys. I need to get back to work ^_^




Glad to hear that things are going well. There are no other games out there quite like yours, and they are wonderful!


Looking forward to spending a few more days with the girls. Kerni, you're the best!