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Okay , here it is the AATOFL public beta. This is *nearly* the same version as 0.53 but i added some fixes and now you can change the lip color of the girls.(if you find the device)
The old savegames from 0.53 should work since i did not really added some important new variables.

I have to admit that it took far to long from one public release to the next because i tried to stuff to much stuff into the crew quarters. And i am not even finished >_<.
My fault..srsly...

What is still missing is :
- the restrain table used during the chastity trail story event
- the chastity trail and towerdefense game as a generic event
- the *girl transportation* device
- too much other things....

Anyway here is the full change log :

Change log : 0.53 to 0.54

- Fixed : Aemi's generic immobilisation attach event should now work correctly

- Fixed : Free romaing dialouge box scrolling was not responding as planned

- Fixed : Towerdefense  -> lowered navmesh radius so constructor *should* not get stuck anymore (i hope xD)

- Fixed : After 3D printer event the *find VIvian'S normal plugs* should now work agaion without getting the player stuck

- Added : Lip color changer device in crew quarters

- Added : About 200 VN frames (Lip stick device event)

Change log : 0.45 to 0.53

- Added : About 2600 VN frames (free roaming mode mostly)

- Added : Metal armbinders

- Added : A special attachment for the Metal armbinders

- Added : New special shaped plugs for Vivian and Aemi

- Added : The simple bondage thing from Vivians Cabin as generic event

- Added : The towerdefense game (currently only as unqie event)

- Added : The Xcross Table (only avaliable after towerdefense game)

- Added : Savegame alternative workaround (mostly for Linux and MAC users)

- Added : More events for the AI live script (mostly for the new toys)

- Added : Some clothes for Vivian and Aemi (after towerdefense game)

- Fixed : Several issues with the free roaming mode AI live scripts

- Fixed : Many little bugs ^_^

- Changed : Some technical things for the AI live script (those are the things you do not see xD)

Uff... and now for the Linux and MAC users the unsupported *i just hit the compile button* versions. Of course as always untested since i do not own a MAC and/or linux system.

WIn 64 Bit download :


LINUX universal : 


MAC x64 : 


I hope i did not screwed up the uploads and if i did so.. please let me know so i can reupload them.



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For some reason the PC download link gives me the Mac version?


I just downloaded the file and it gave me the win 64 version. You need to click onto the big MEGA symbol over this post. Or doe anyone else has this problem too ?


Small query, I haven't been able to activate or see the shower scene in either this or the 0.53 version, is it broken or is that a side effect of using your created saves?


If you mean the event where Aemi/Vivian ask you to shower with the them i guess it is kind of rare that they ask since i increased th amount of AI live events they can do. In other words the chance of encountering the event are smaller. But.. you can still ask them if they want to shower with you.


Hey Kerni, thank you for this release. I am having some trouble with both Aemi and Vivian's immobilisation devices because they never seem to activate randomly as I suppose they should? I have also disabled their self bondage but they do not seem to care and do it anyway. Lastly the tower defense game was really good, although a minor annoyance was I ended up only building the first type of gun or else I would lose very quickly.


mh... The activation of the immobilization device can be very rare since all AI live events are random picked. But you can use the old communication device to *activate* them manually. I also tried the selfbondage feature and it workded fine for me. I only activated the AI live events for th selfbondage and then tested it. The towerdefense game .. Yeahh.. the best weapon is the fast shot tower . I tried my best to make them balanced as i could but .. well.. i am not a professional and i do not have time for this to be honest.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! for a Mac version. Still downloading but I REALLY appreciate the thought. I'd be happy to be your Mac beta tester if you want :).


Hello Kerni, I tested the test 0.54. Found 2 bucks. 1 - the inscription at the bottom of the screen, about the FREE SEARCH MODE, disappears after a while after the end of the storyline. 2. When the Aeem is approaching the hero (with her arms and mouth with a red gag) and asks to remove a gag from her (or everything else - I do not remember), there are two variants of the answer, and the option fulfilling her request does not work, and restarts the whole scene from the beginning, starting with how it suits you. Vivian is the norm.


Number 2 should be fixed in dev version. But number 1 is kind of weird and not really important xD Furthermore on 1 , you can actually deactivate the text with the communication device.