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As i mentioned last post , this weekend i want to try to upgrade my unity version. I already did that (took me about 20 hours until it compiled) and.. well .. you can see it in the GIF file above.

i have many problems. The occlusion calculation for the hydroponic and the laboratory section is buggy and i was not able to solve it. i guess it has something to do with a current bug (just like this one -> https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/occlusion-culling-woes.419273/)

What i will do now is roll back to unity version 5.4.0.p4 and install the compilers for MAC and Linux for this version. Then i will use the safety copy i had on another HD (i made a copy of my whole folder just before upgrading) and TRY to complie to Linux and MAC.

Please keep in mind that the game was never planned to be released on this platform and it can be that i am just not able to since i use windows only functions.(don't if i use some know to be honest xD)

I will just try it and when a minor error happen i will try to make a walkaround but when i reach major errors with the framework i think i rather walk forward with the windows version insteadt of endlessly trying to re-write entire scripts.




Ow. That doesn't look fun. As frustrating as it may seem, maybe you should stick with the older version for your current project and upgrade the unity stuff on your next one?<br><br> Also, I've started re-playing the game and found the ONLY girl that has issues wih the vibrator, is Vivian, and it is weird, I deliberately went through the process slowly and it didn't budge, it stays floating outside of her. Maybe some parameter changed after I cleared the hydroponics zone, but I don't know for sure whether it is for the WHOLE game, or not.


have you tried to disable occlusion culling? I mean how bad it is without it? you will still have sorting though.


Hehe.. not a good idea. I give an example :) My pc I2600k , 32Gb ram , GTX 1080 TI I loaded up the hangar bay and deactivated the occlusion culling. I averaged 3 FPS... :(


I kind of have another idea how to solve this. The vibrator was one of the first *devices* i implemented and i learned many things during the creation of the game. One of the things is that i need two meshes (Gameobjects) for such devices. One that is static on the character and one for animations , and since the vibrator was the first one i had i just took one mesh for both. I just need to re-create the two mesh way for the dildo xD (when i have time)


Ouch. The hard work is appreciated, though. 3 FPS isn't much better than what I get running in a Parallels VM, so if you can get this to go it'll be awesome. Hope you have a backup of the backup.


Wow, your animation looks awesome!