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First of all, my apologies. I’ve just ghosted everyone and haven’t been keeping up my end of this bargain we’ve all made.

I have this belief that writing such as this, in a serialized format and on a nearly daily basis, requires momentum to keep it chugging along. The first kink that arose was my mismanaging of the story IDGM, I did not like how it was going and what I was doing on it. So, I figured I’d back off a bit and try to hammer out what the issues I had with the story.

Shortly afterward I got ill. That knocked me down for a bit and basically put a pause on all writing or thinking about writing.

Well, after recovering from my illness, all the momentum and motivation I had managed to build in the months since beginning IDGM in May of 2020 and Brewer King in December of 2020 sort of evaporated. I’ve always had some trouble in the motivation department, it was the reason I began IDGM in the first place; it gave me a reason to keep writing. In the ten months of writing IDGM and the three months of Brewer King I’ve written over 500k words, which is probably more than I’ve written in the last decade.

I like writing these stories, I like putting them out into the world for people to enjoy. I will keep doing so.

I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting me on this platform, those who are fans of the stories, and those who have been here for a while. I appreciate and and am humbled by your continued support.

I apologize for the long absence. It wasn’t planned and it wasn’t with any kind of maliciousness. Motivation and momentum, for me, are always difficult things to build and I just allowed it to crumble. I am rebuilding it and I’m afraid it’ll take a bit longer to get back up to speed.

Thank you once again.




Take a break if you want. You deserve it.


Thanks for the FYI and for writing!


Moar writing less talking! Kidding. I don't mind waiting a bit for nice quality work. I very much liked Brewer King but felt like you ran yourself in a ditch with giving him his brewery.

Stephen Pearson

Glad you're all right! I feel ya' about the difficulty of motivation.


Sorry to hear you were ill, but I'm glad you're doing better and rebuilding.


Just get well and we'll be here waiting (anxiously) for the next chapter for either story...


No stress, glad to hear you are better.