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*** Updated - 02/12/2022 ***


I've added additional scenes to complete the chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.




Hey everyone,

Unfortunately November turned out to be a real disaster. 

1) I caught Covid... again... which knocked me out for over a week.

2) My cat Shadow suddenly lost a dramatic amount of weight over a three week period, and we found out he had terminal cancer. He was only 13, and a much beloved part of the family. 

3) My youngest son is in hospital with a serious eye infection. Thank goodness the IV antibiotics are making a big difference, so he should be back home again by the end of the week.

As you can imagine, writing in all this chaos has proven problematic. I've nearly completed Chapter 158 bar the final combat scene, so I'll publish that here and add the final part as soon as I've finished. 

Anyway, apologies for not being able to churn out multiple chapters as I was hoping for. Hopefully you will still enjoy chapter 158.

Best wishes,



Jacques Van Zyl

Brilliant work as always! Much appreciated


I hate to say this but with the stuff on going with Tefler and some of the other crap I am starting to lose interest in the fill in chapters and I hate to say this as well it feels like the story is on hold if nothing happens by the end of the month I too may leave I don’t give much to him but every dollar helps Tefler. I know Tefler,s fan club will step up and tell me to leave but come on Tefler get it done you are starting to give us a reason to leave


.137.:. well. I feel like ole Newnotsure has not gotten a sure grip on the Three-Square Meals storyline, nor Tef's writings, .... His amazing tale IS moving forward, maybe not as quickly as we rabid fans could wish, but it is moving, -- and now that I have stepped up, I will presently bow out before I start quoting how many millions of words Tef has woven into this increasing complex story, ... and New, you might wish to read through your comment to catch those typos prior to sending it off, ... oh, and Merry Christmas ;-) TTFN


I liked 158 a lot. my favorite scene ends this way "The reinvigorated Fleet Admiral was too distracted to notice, but there was a faint undercurrent of sadness to Alyssa’s voice." It is excellent writing to leave WHY she is sad to the reader. Is she sad because she is culpable and in fact went against what she knew John wanted to throw a lit match at the Outer Rim powder keg? Is she sad because she knows John is an action guy and because she cannot do the Soul Forge grunt work because Athena splits her mind, he is not doing what he likes? Is she sad because she's added so many girls that she is not getting banged often enough and sex with other women is not "really" sex? Tefler is TECHNICALLY an average or less than average writer as professionals go. He is though a masterful story teller. It is much easier to fix the details if there's something worth fixing. This is especially true in these "cancel culture" days. A very appropriate appellation, "cancel culture" because that is EXACTLY what Clown World is doing. As my posts ought to end in self aggrandizement, I find that despite his many faults, Oscar Wilde was brilliant.


.148: ...yes, he was brilliant, but Oscar Wilde was also a bit of a cynic as well, .... ;-) TTFN


Love it. Keep them coming please!


.152: ... Is there a defining word for someone who is brilliant, gifted, and nearly perfect, ... like Mary Poppins, "almost perfect in every way"? (-; ;-) TTFN


I also very much enjoyed the chapter and the additional scenes to finish it.


Which of the girls have Psychic Shields & their colors. The Fandom wiki is out of date. Thanks


You're on report TF4EVA. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is really quite atrocious! Besides, the "defining word for someone who is brilliant, gifted, and nearly perfect, ... like Mary Poppins, "almost perfect in every way"?" is, of course, wait for it... me.

Rayce Royal

It might be easier to say which ones do not, at this point. I know that Jade and her girls have never (at least, I cannot remember any). The shields are all the same colors as their eyes, I believe. Are there any of the main crew that cannot do it now?


.160: ... our luscious mermaid, Helene, would have a Teal shield, if she can whip one up, ... and our Grand Engineering Overlord has that Golden corona to her Psychic forces, but a shield? I don't recall her doing one, ... perhaps I am forgetting, ,,, and of course all of the girls are progressing well with their basic Psychic Self-defense and basic Combat training, ... ;-) TTFN


I don't think Calara, Dana Irillith or Helene do as well as none of the nymphs. Though I think all of them should have defensive psychic shields. Thanks


Late I know. I hope things get better for you soon Tefler.


While Irillith has not been explicitly written to produce a shield, it is basically guaranteed that she can. Steven is correct about Calara, Dana and Helene so far showing no inclination towards personal shields. I think in large part Helene and Calara are not often in personal combat. Dana has been but she's shielded by Rachel who is the best "shieldstress" of all. Now Liunet is not actually a true Lioness. She's undergone "the Change" BUT is not going to receive "the Gift" (powers) so long as she remains with Charles=husband Charles (Charles actually means husband etymologically). That is why she is called Liunet: "half moon", because she's half a lioness. Etymology of Terran names is HUGE in TSM, ether consciously, or more likely, subconciously. Truly great storytellers are often unconcious of how cultural archetypes bubble up fropm their subconcious. Besides this, off the Invictus, Edraele is a tremendously gifted "shieldstress" but Luna has not shown that at all. As to colors, the shields of Tashana and Sakura reflect their elements and not colors. And now for another Public Service Announcement. Please remember this is a trashy fictional Space Opera and not to be taken seriously. Please find a life outside this fiction; if you can. Now back to your regularly scheduled Fan Wank.

Tefler Fan 007

Shield Colors: John -Blue Alyssa- White Sakura- off white Tashanna- Red Rachel- Grey Jehanna- pink Edraele- Purple


Is 158 final now so I can read it I am not reading part chapters.

Who Me

Yes it is - and has been since Dec. 2nd


.167: Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, ... Tef posted the updated/complete #158 on 2nd of December 2022, ... now I am F5 ing in my greed for TSM #159, oh boy, hurry, hurry, .... ;-) (#159 was posted late on 12/26/22), ... TTFN


If Telfar wants to produce a site for his works, Might I suggest he looks at




It would enable him to manage it a lot more efficiently on feels. And you can include all your other works also, in a easy page navigation screen. but again as it is so long in the story that could delay evenm more posts lol


.171: I thought that Irillith might have had the elemental (electric) blue-white colored (lightning) shield, but her eye glow violet, so her shield might be violet too, ... and Alyssa has recently aided/trained our cyber cutie to improve her strength, (to include shields?), ... ;-) TTFN