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Hey everyone!

I've completed the next chapter, so I hope you enjoy it!

As usual, please let me know if you spot any mistakes. I greatly appreciate your feedback on correcting any typos that slip through the net. 

Best wishes,




i'm way behind on the chapters but I hope they eventually can put a psychic dampener on the matriarchs. I think that'd do a lot more to incapacitate a progenitor than incapacitating the men themselves


.79: So, for now, I say less Walker, more loping Gahl's head off, ... ;-) TTFN


It seemed to me that Tom's father knows his backstory, based on his very insistent declaration that it would be impossible for Tom to undermine the Terran Federation. I assumed that with his admiralty status, that was plausible. Further, that he therefore knows at least the basics of Dana's story. So I'm assuming that someday when Tom's story is told, we will get Dana's history as well. No doubt another high level abuse. Will John search for all of the progeny?


.81: Search out all the survivors of from Sparks test-tube siblings, ... if many more were dumped in places like Kerron, or just murdered out right, ... there may not be many, ... and if the 'quirk's' those others inherited are harder to overcome than Dana's, ... well, they might have had an even more difficult time. The few 'saved' ones are likely to be in institutions, and so those are more wounded little birds for John to fix. ;-) TTFN


.82: Yeah, the Tom Walker side story will eventually expose the earlier black ops research that High Command was behind in its past. And also, it should reveal the Brimorian involvement (along with the devastating evidence provided by rogue Maliri hackers) in the set up and down fall of Commander Tom Walker, as well as their destruction of Morgan's fleet. I think Charles should ask his buddy John, and Irilith, to see if she can improve the T-Fed's software / computer technology, to nearer to Maliri and harder to hack. (I still want to read about Walker's jailbreak though) ;-) TTFN


Happy Nymph noises... so basically meowing and purring? ^^


.85: I would be interested to know when, or if, the new Raptor 2.0 blueprints will make it into the reference documents listing? or is the format incompatible at this time? ;-) TTFN


We all know John can grow to massive size, which seems to indicate mass isn't an issue. Given that... could John replicate himself? Maybe this new infusion of Maliri into the network will provide the required energy and 'unlock' the knowledge in his mind. If so, how many Johns should he create? One for each Special Lady? One for the ship, another for Genthalas, another for the Glowing Queen, another for the Terran Federation and another for his new Green girls? Suddenly so many more full tummies! Also, a hit squad of Johns going after individual Progenitors and claiming their Thralls? I hadn't seen a realistic way for him to win before, but being able to duplicate himself and all of a sudden it's not as unlikely a proposition. There would undoubtably be complications. Would each John need his own network and matriach or would they be mentally connected and all able to make use of the same resources? Who gets to go by 'John', who gets to go by 'Baen'Thalas' and what names for the others? Lion theme? 'Lion', 'Leo', 'Murderkitty McKillwhiskers'? These are all weighty questions. 'But Matt!' I hear you cry, 'If that could be done, surely the other Progenitors would have done it?!' Ah! But would they? They know what a power hungry, combative, sociopathic, space-cunt they are, do you think they'd trust another them to not try and take power, to be the one 'in charge'? 'Pah' I say, and 'phooey' I add. That's why it would work for John, where it wouldn't work for them, he can trust himself.


Wait.... the England Female Soccer team members, are called LIONESSES! 😲🤔


.88: But Matt! I cry, would not that be too easy? Would Tef go down that road? I do love some more names for more Johns, like 'Leo', ... and the ancient Maliri version of 'MurderKittyMcKillWhiskers' would drive the other Progenitors deep green with envy! So, Evil and cute, ... ;-) TTFN


.90: So, John and the girls stomp on Gahl'kalgor, spare him his well-deserved lopping off of his head (no need to give Xar'azuith any 'Shroud' knowledge through Gahl's death), but do take his Empire and Matriarch, ... then have themselves a lovely Brimorian Fish-Fry, While Dana checks out the Trankaran Star Forges, ... and then a quick trip to Tau Ceti to visit Jack and Maria Fernandez, and talk over the various features Jack would like to see in his new and improved TFN Damocles, (or is that too soon?). And possibly a trip to Olympus for Dana to share with Henry Voss and Admiral Harris, another handful of minor improvements that are very handy for a spacecraft to have, like improved power couplings, ... also Irillith could try and drag the T-Fed a bit closer to Maliri level of software / computer knowledge making the T-Fed's harder to hack... ;-) TTFN


.91: And should Irillith (possibly at Admiral Charles Harris's request) try to drag the T-Fed computer and software industry a lot closer to the Maliri standard. Might they accidentally discover the hacking done to plant the false data that convicted Tom Walker while they were running some tests, and Irilith confirms that Maliri hackers did the dirty deed, for the Brimorian's and for (not really dead) Mason Newmont, ... and voila, the Lion is involved. That Charles, quite the troublemaker, -- that should teach him about listening to those smarty-pants Lionesses, ... ;-) TTFN


.093: I think that it is about F5 key time, for TSM #154 (completed),... just sayin' ;-) TTFN


.094: Oh, we're Tefler-man-iacs,... you'll press F5 'til you collapse, ... (you know the rest) -- ...baloney in our slacks, .... Tefler-man-iacs,... and those are the facts! ;-) TTFN (Pressing F5)


.96: Interesting Idea there, and if John continues to take on (claims) more of his defeated Progenitor foes Empires, having a few extra John's to ease the leadership burdens could well be a good thing, ... and maybe clones of his key Lionesses too for each 'John', ... And have the Dana's install 'superior' Star Forges in each new empire to replace the old PBM ships of the earlier Progenitors in charge. Xar'azuith will be pulling his/her hair out, afraid that the dreaded Murderkitty McKillwhiskers is coming to get him/her,... ;-) TTFN


Now that is an idea. A search for not only Lenarrans, but eugenic misfits. Thank you Michael. Clearly the TSM story has too few threads and we need a more expansive story.


OK, I like the eugenic misfit wounded bird thing BUT, I do NOT understand what it has to do with Walker. The story does not have legs.