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This was so cute! Even if I was confused for a lot of it 😅. I was sad that I didn't do any Christmas content so this was really nice.



Matt Hocking

Extremely cute content. I'm pretty sure they called it "Xanta Claus" because the X represents the mystery/hidden member (mafia games are often called "Find X" for example). I agree that the format was confusing, mostly because they didn't explain the premise upfront, probably intentionally, so we (along with the members) didn't understand that these were gifts the fans picked out rather than the gifts that they'd picked out for each other. Which makes Sumin's disappointment at getting sleep aids more funny, honestly. As for the Isa Butt Incident, the stuffed cat has a neck pillow coming out of lower back, and I'm pretty sure she's just obsessed with how much the zip up part where you store it looks like a butt.


Such a cute episode. There was an episode in which SWITHs visited their pop-up store and were surprised to see them in person.