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Pentagon Haunted House on Dingo.mp4

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Lucky I hadn’t gone to bed yet!! I always like watching other people get scared, probably because I’m a scaredy-cat myself hahahah. The haunted house episode of Going Seventeen is also a personal favourite. Also… missing hui hours: open

shinwon swimming

i cant believe i've not actually seen this video. haha. this was cute and Hui's reactions were so funny omg. anw idk if it's an asian or a maybe just a personality thing, but i have friends who wd literally go through an entire horror movie with their hands just covering their eyes or not looking at the screen and idgi, they're missing the best parts. hahaha

KPOP Stan Sara

I'm confused on why they didn't show Yuto as much in the first half. Yuto is the BIGGEST scaredy cat lol pretty sure he's the worst in the group when it comes to this kind of stuff. I also would be as scared as the ones you're poking fun at hahaha. I don't handle scary movies that add anxiety. I heard Asian scary/horror movies are very different from American because American is all about jump scares and what not while Asian movies tend to be about building up the tension and fear rather. Not sure if maybe that is the reason we may react differently?


I only mess with horror movies that create tension and atmosphere personally. Jumps scares are a cheap device for the more mass appeal horror movies. I've got a long list of good horror if you're ever inclined 😁

KPOP Stan Sara

I don't like any of it!!! lmao :( I have such a vivid imagination that any time I watch anything that might be slightly spooky I'm just not okay for days. I see figures on the other side of my shower curtain and hear/see stuff constantly. So nope! lol


Omg I hadn’t even noticed this had been uploaded until now?? Haha it always baffles me that Yuto was so calm here, as he’s the Team’s resident scaredy cat 😂 though he probably wanted to save face, being in a unit with Kino and Jinho 😂😂 Hui and Wooseok being paired up was a stroke of genius, with Hui being the leader and Wooseok being the giant of the group, and here they are being the biggest babies 😂

Diana Montaño

Finally after months im back and i finished the Pentagon content right away, please can we have more reactions to them on variaty or just random stuff?? Like Round 2, Question Parade or anything, i enjoyed seeing you fell in love with them...also it´s a shame "Idol League" it´s necesary to pay to watch on youtube...but Pentgon was there 2 times and it was really fun...and m any other groups too, i could be a good show to react to. There is a show made by cube called "All that Cube", where Changsub and Eunkwang were MCs and have Cube group members and actors as guest, it was fun and a good way to know a little bit more about them.