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Nflying Don't Cry on Sugar Man.mp4

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ahh i’m so glad you enjoyed! i get emotional every time i hear it haha. the colors denote different age ranges in the audience. 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s i believe. i think they vote on the performances? not entirely sure. i’m pretty sure the song is sung in karaoke because of the high notes lol. you were correct about which were the two original singers! and yes, unfortunately the original vocalist is unable to stand up, i believe he is paralyzed from the waist down and is using a wheelchair. anyways, super glad you enjoyed this! thank you so much ahh


I had coincidentally watched this for the first time just a few hours before it was posted here, so I was glad that I knew what song it was, though I didn't know the backstory. Thank you for reacting, and thank you to Holly for requesting this and giving so much detail. I'm just...so happy right now :)

shinwon swimming

Appreciate hearing the backstory to this! :>


Sugarman is like a "contest" where the different age groups vote for which rendition they prefer. And N.Flying won this one!

Mickey Vigliaturo

The original band of this song is called The Cross. The group consists of main vocalist Kim Hyuk Gun, and pianist/composer/sub-vocal Lee Si Ha. (There was also a member who was added to the group right before Hyuk Gun's accident named Kim Kyung Hyun but he isn't involved with the group anymore.) A horrific accident halted the groups promotions two years after their debut. What happened was Hyuk Gun was furious that their label wanted to restructure the group and stormed off saying he was quitting the band. Thus, the group started promoting with a new vocalist, even though Hyuk Gun was still nowhere to be found and no one at the label could contact him. Si Ha looked everywhere for him and when he finally got in contact with Hyuk Gun's parent's he learned that Hyuk Gun was in the hospital and might not make it. He was in a terrible motorcycle accident, where a car ran a red light and hit him in an intersection. He became paralyzed from the neck down and couldn't even speak or breathe on his own because his diaphragm was paralyzed. When Hyuk Gun woke up, he begged Si Ha to kill him because he felt he no longer wanted to live if he couldn't be a singer. The group has been through a lot, Hyuk Gun especially. He got stronger, he can use a wheelchair, and he began to breathe on his own. His father built him a machine that he can control with his hand that squeezed his diaphragm, so he can sing again. He can't hit the notes the same as before, but his voice is still beautiful. In the episode, he sings his version of "Don't Cry" and it will make you cry. Strongly recommend watching it.