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Dreamcatcher Mind Episode 7.mp4

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Someone on reddit was joking that it seems like this whole series is just things Yoohyeon wanted to do.


"Oh no, Handong's feeding!" cracked me up good 😂 Pressing W and clicking heads! I played a couple hundred hours of PUBG in the early access days, but I felt that 1.0 kinda made the game worse and was done at that point. I did do some airsoft a few years back and that shit STINGS on bare skin. We had a 50v50 game in a forest once and lots of people had modified guns with higher velocities. Painful fun! Yoohyeon did play the PC version a bit, I think insomnicsy has a clip of it. I could totally see her be a streamer in an alternate timeline.


I would love to do something like this, but we have barely any fun places like this in my country (at least to my knowledge) 😂 I really hope DC gets more variety opportunities!


This place and their gears were so cool, i'm really jealous. It seems to be so much fun!!