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Kingdom Episode 7 PT2.mp4

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yep, all the groups released a new song for the finale, just one week before the last episode which was a live broadcast. this was because how well each song placed on music charts was a scoring component that was implemented into each team's total points.


the mayfly performance was sooooo good. cant wait for u to see episode 8 it has 2 of my fav performances from the whole show in it


the finale songs for both road to kingdom and kingdom are just digital singles and not actual full fledged comebacks (as in they're not promoted on music shows and variety shows and such) so they don't make as much noise as a normal release from these groups would! as you said, they might make a performance mv for the song after the show like oneus and pentagon did, but i haven't seen any news of that for the kingdom groups yet.


i could have gone the rest of my life without remembering daughtry was a thing, but here we are lmao 🤨😅


For the rap unit I was kinda shocked 'It's One' team didn't win... I just feel like the rap units were the perfect chance to show a performance focused solely on rap, which Bobby, Sunwoo, and Hwiyoung really did. I didn't dislike the 'Mayfly' one at all, it was just more like a typical kpop performance with dancers and lots of props, which kinda took away from the rap for me personally. The same actually goes for the dance units. But again, since the teams chose completely different styles, I guess it really comes down to personal preference


you can watch all the solo teasers in the "performance film" on the mnet kingdom vid. all of the performances are in that one video. you should definitely check it out if you haven't seen it. They were all so good!! just search kingdom performance film

Fana Shafeeq

yup all the teasers you saw in the jutaehyuk portion are actually all released as just one short video since every group's portion was less than 30 seconds, you should check it out

Cat R

Idk, everyone has different preferences for sure but for me I was happy that there were three separate teams for Rap, Dance and Vocal because that gave the teams an opportunity to focus solely on rap or focus solely on dance and It's One did a great job with that, I definitely preferred It's One's rap performance, the song was more to my taste and the performance was definitely more hip hop while Mayfly's was more "idol rap performance" which isn't a bad thing but it's what you ALWAYS see from rappers in idol groups the only difference is it's a collaboration which you could probably see at award shows like MAMA. The dance team...well wolf is probably my least favorite EXO song so there's that, anyways I am a sucker for an emotional and beautiful storyline so It's One's dance team stole the show for me. Mayfly was cool but there was just something that made it feel a bit meh to me in comparison but that's just my personal preference. The majority of the judges are idols and a lot of them are rookie idols so it's really not a surprise to me that the more "idol like" performance won but I am a bit disappointed. I don't think i'm biased because I love and stan all of the groups on this show, Ateez and Stray Kids being in my top but I just preferred It's One's stages more these rounds. Also, while Sunwoo is a good singer, he is indeed primarily a rapper, he only raps in The Boyz' songs. (Sorry for continuously editing this comment I'm editing it as I watch lol) SF9 are pretty chaotic and wild amongst themselves but when it comes to being around people they don't know very well they are extremely shy so that's probably why they look so awkward all the time lol they weren't friends with any of the other groups (except for Chani from SF9 being friends with Chanwoo from iKON) before being on Kingdom.


ya i think its one should have won all rap dance and vocal if im being honest


After sitting with the performances for a while, I think dance should've went to It's One. Rap COULD be debatable, but I don't think it's close for Vocal.


ya dont underestimate sunwoo as a rapper lol

Diana Montaño

Can i just say...you looked so adorable when you went for beer 🤭