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Dreamcatcher Mind Episode 1.mp4

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Dammit just when I'm about to sleep 😂 will watch it tomorrow 😁 hope you had fun, even if for a first ep I wish they had done a few things differently, but I still liked it 😊

Steph M

Those little "yeah!" reaction moments will definitely be memed, Siyeon was already making fun of Yoohyeon's on vlive earlier 😂 It's so great to see Dreamcatcher finally get a reality show, they're the perfect group for it! I do also hope to see them do some actual activities in future episodes though. If they do end up playing Twister, I cannot wait to see how chaotic that will get 😅

Chris S

The show's going to have 10 episodes. It's a crime that it's taken this long for Dreamcatcher to get a reality show, but better late that never! I agree that this episode feels like it could have been longer, but that's mostly because I can never get enough Dreamcatcher content. 😂


I feel like you'd like Insomnicsy's mukbang series 😁 It is oddly endearing how much idols love food.


I just love them 😌 I'm excited we get every week new Dreamcatcher content. I believe there will be 10 episodes in total. Also the subtitles are available as the episode comes out 😁


i know Jiu and Yoohyeon both have poor eyesight, but usually just wear contacts. So the glasses on Jiu are cute, since we rarely see them.


that Harvard book is actually Yoohyeon's she reads a lot of things you wouldn't expect an idol to read. Right now she is reading some book called "the laws of human nature" which is about psychology


Sua actually takes boxing classes lol, those are her gloves from training.