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I'm still new here, not even a month but you guys get Rem dakimakura image, if you know her.

I have some questions about patreon.

- I will upload here the rewards at the end of month or 1st month of October, will the artwork still be available in the future even if I'm to submit the artworks for October? Do I need to remove that post?

- How do you do polls? Do you guys want one? Like request polls?

Thanks in advance for responding. :)


(No title)



<a href="https://blog.patreon.com/creating-rewards/">https://blog.patreon.com/creating-rewards/</a> -Yes, the post will still be there but depending on how you set up the post, you can set a limit to how many patrons have access to the post or remove it later like you said. If it's too technical, you could always upload your files through Google Drive (or other websites similar to Google Drive) and have it accessible to those with the url. I'm not too sure if Patreon even has a poll system but, you could just make a poll online and share its url as a patreon plege post. It will definitely beat counting up the votes per comment.


Thanks. And yeah I'm a bit concern about deleting outdated rewards.