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Harem King

Yo I'm so hyped

Freddy Gutierrez

given the staff and studio involved and looking at the trailier, more likely gonna be a rebooted season 1 since seasons 1 to 3 were basically flawed and showed monty was a rookie at the time. the listed staff are very big names in the anime industry.

J Gerard

Heard its gonna be written by the Urobutcher.


Incapacitations and amputation will be more dramatic and intense.


<p style="color: #008600;">Amazing! This trailer made me so hyped and definitely made my day! Thanks for sharing</p>


Well, my erection is gone, and a whole new one has taken place in my heart. Honestly, I loved the concept behind RWBY, but felt that the world wasn't well developed, the power levels were all over the place, and the later seasons.... well.... yeah... I'm hopeful that this will bring out the RWBY we know and love.


I'm definitely excited to see what this reboot does