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Apologies again for long silence - I'm really struggling! The good news is that my new book with Princeton University Press Dinopedia(segments from which have appeared here in the recent past) is now finished, and in fact the page proofs have just arrived.  As you can see, the cover is done and just about everything it in place. The book is due to see print in September this year - I'll be talking about it in time at TetZoo and might hold a launch event if that's possible. A bit more information is here at TetZoo... http://tetzoo.com/blog/2021/3/31/announcing-dinopedia-out-september-2021

In other news, I'm currently putting together a large cryptozoology-themed project which you'll get to hear about first. It'll ultimately be going public and will eventually result in the same of a poster and maybe some other products too -- it's taking an age to put together, but news coming soon.

I'm also working on a new marine reptiles book for the Natural History Museum. Have made a start on the text but there's a long way to go on that yet. I basically have the rest of the year to do it.

More breaking news -- the dinosauroid-themed paper I wrote with Will Tattersdill is now in print and I'm due to talk about it next week at the Popularising Palaeontology workshop (which is invitation-only and not open to the public). However, I will almost certainly be giving the same talk at TetZooCon, and maybe other events as well, so you'll get to hear it eventually should you want to. Here's the cover slide...

Finally, myself and colleagues have just (well, on Tuesday) submitted a long-in-development technical paper on two new British dinosaurs. I can say no more, but it'll cause quite a splash when (.... or if) it sees print.

More soon, but no time for anything new at TetZoo, alas. Thanks as always for your support!



Mike Traynor

For my part, there is no need for an apology. My Patreon support of you lets me puff my self up as a patron of the sciences, especially when you've been working on the technical stuff. And I am soooo looking forward to the marine reptile book. I have a vague recollection that bloody Mark Witton is looking to do one too. That would be a cornucopia of marine reptile goodness.