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“That’s it, you just concentrate on the bear. Doesn’t it look cuddly? Wouldn’t you like to just hold it between your arms for a little bit” said the nurse before turning to her colleague.

“It’s far to small” said the other nurse, “I have no doubts in recommending a full time course of regression for this patient.”

“Full time?”

“It’s for the best, I’ll make a note on this patients records. Make sure he’s placed into thick padding at all times and that changes are only given three times a day maximum. I’m sure that after a months worth of deep-brain hypnosis he’ll be at a level where he can begin to socialise with the other regression patients.”

The nurse turned her attention back to the patient lying on the bed. “Why don’t you give Mr Bear here a little cuddle while nurse goes and finds something thick and poofy to put you in.”



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