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“Oh yes, I knew I could smell something funny coming from the backseat” she said as the snaps of your onesie were pulled open and the full diaper shown off to anyone watching.

“Moooommmm!” You whined

“What?” She giggled, “I told you that it was a long car journey and that you wouldn’t be able to hold it! I’m not surprised you’re a little stinker.”

“People can hear you!” You tried to hide your blushing face behind your hands but it didn’t stop the rush of embarrassment.

“People can hear me??” She almost shouted in mock sympathy. “Oh no! How awful! We wouldn’t want anyone overhearing about how stinky you are! How full your diaper is?”

“Shush!” You urged.

Mommy leaned over to whisper softly in your ear, “I don’t need to shout it, ever it already know what a baby you are” as she patted the front of your diaper to feel how ‘excited’ you were getting.



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