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“Are you trying to give me some kind of hint? I don’t get it, baby. Can’t you use your words?”

It was only teasing of course. If the diapers in her arms, the bottle of baby powder and the pleading look in her eyes didn’t give away the fact that she wanted a change then the drooping diaper between her legs and the distinct dirty smell that the nursery now had made it even clearer!

“Can you say ‘change’ for daddy?”

She continued to suck on the pacifier, letting it suckle back and forward in her mouth as she tried to mutter the series of letters.

“Sshh..sshaanges” she managed with a torrent of spit leaking down her chin.

“Close!” Daddy encouraged “it’s a ‘ch’ abound not a ‘sshh’ sound”. She tried again to get her point across.

“Shh.. shh.. shanngess… shh” she carried on trying until one perfectly understandable word came out. “Sshtinky!”

“Stinky?” Daddy giggled, “c’mon then let’s get you changed, we’ll try again with advanced vocabulary some other day!”



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