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“What’s the matter? Oh no! Did it happen again?” Daddy cooed sarcastically standing over you. Your hand rubbed the back of your still warm gooey diaper, knowing that the only way to get daddy to change was was to bite your cheek and embrace the humiliation.

“What’s that, the third time today?” Obviously he knew, he’s the one who had the change you! Besides he was clearly putting something in those strange tasting baby bottles that kept making your tummy so funny, it was his own fault! You wisely carried on sucking your pacifier, letting Daddy do all the talking.

“Do you want changing?” I nodded my head, doing my best puppy dog eyes.

“I’m a little busy at the moment, Darling. But I’ll have finished work in a couple of hours, do you think you can hold out till then?” I dropped the pacifier from my mouth in shock, he’d never kept me waiting that long before!

“Good girl!”



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