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It was impossible to walk, it was impossible to get your legs even remotely close together. All you could do was crawl, wiggle and struggle along the ground.

“Don’t get me wrong” said mommy standing over you. “I think it’s a step in the right direction but is that really thick enough?”

“I’m not too fussed about you not being able to walk, after all, proper babies don’t walk. I’m more worried about you leaking all over my carpet when you’re wiggling your way across the floor!”

“The plastic pants are good for stopping leaks…” The same plastic pants whose elastic you could feel cuffing your legs and that crinkled loudly with every little movement. “… but it would be best if we eliminated leaks all together!”

You could guess what was coming, mommy’s little speech wasn’t really necessary. You looked up at her, the pacifier in your lip masking the trembling of your bottom lip, and saw what was in her hands. A fresh unfolded diaper in one hand and a stuffer in the other.

“Better to be safe than sorry! Besides, this means I probably won’t have to change you before bed!”



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