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His cage strained, bouncing up and down as she opened up the diaper before him.

“Is your little wee-wee getting a bit excited? I can see it dancing around!” She teased. “It still puts a smile on mommy’s face to see how excited you are by the thought of a fresh diaper being put on!”

She must know how desperate he was. Desperate just to have his caged cock touched, let alone released from the right plastic prison or played with! Every day all it ever got was a little clean with some wipes and then a coating of baby powder before being hidden away again by yet another layer of babyish padding! He whined through his pacifier.

“Mind you, that thing is getting quite small now that we might not need that cage anymore!”

The idea gave him some hope before it was quickly and cruelty crushed by her next comment…

“I’ll start looking out for an even smaller one!”



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