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I love the idea of this, I hope you do to!

Here’s the caption text:

You had that dream again.

The dream where when you feel asleep, you woke up again. Woke up terrified. Instead of lying in your own bed, secure in your own home it was always the same place, a strange place.

It felt as if you’d been shrunk right down as your eyes always opened to the same sight, the huge towering walls of a babies crib. Soft toys lay me to you, soft toys dangled above you from a mobile and although the bars of the crib stopped you from getting any further, you saw the soft toys littered around the huge nursery!

How you hated these crazy dreams as you reached down and felt the familiar diaper that always appeared between your legs in the fantasy word, always thick and always wet!

These worst thing about them, these recurring dreams, was not that they wouldn’t go away(despite having been to every kind of professional from psychiatrists to dream interpreter specialist), the worst thing about them was they seemed to last for hours! You knew when you finally woke up back in the real world only about eight hours would have passed, but here in the baby world, it seemed as if you were there for an entire week!

It was all too much! You couldn’t spend another week dreaming here! Almost instinctively you threw your hands up and wailed in tears.

And as always, you heard the giant sounding foot sets coming towards you…



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