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I really liked this one! Maybe I’ll do more this this idea?

Here’s the caption text:

“Don’t worry now sweetheart, it’s nearly finished. The doctor here just wants to take one final look at you to make sure you’re all okay and that’s it!”

“I’ll be right here next to you the whole time. You can squeeze my hand if you feel nervous!”

Less than twenty hour hours ago, she had been locked in a holding cell. Arrested for embezzling a series of payments from her office and sentenced by a court to “society rehabilitation”. That was essentially a new euphemism for taking a criminal and melting them down into the little baby they once were and rebuilding them into an adult who was more mature, more sensible and less likely to break the law!

There were a series of checkups by doctors and tests to make sure that the prisoner was suitable before going forward with the operations and the “mind melting” procedure which tapped into her mind and zapped away any of the impure and criminal adult thoughts until they were left as a drooling empty headed person barely capable of uttering words. Communicating just in whines and grunts. The perfect foundation to build a better member of society.

Does this procedure work? How long do criminals spend at these special nursery and schooling facilities?

Well, so far… no prisoners have been deemed fit to be reintroduced to society. It’s proving a lot harder to re-educate people that once though. But drooling diaper filling prisoners are much easier to look after than dangerous volatile prisoners! If you’re sentenced to “society rehabilitation” then it’s more than likely you’ll stay a dumb drooling diaper dumper forever, but at least you won’t be out breaking any more laws!



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