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Sorry about the delay for this! My phone screen had broken and I had to get it repaired!

Here’s the caption text:

“I did warn you! And you pushed me too far!”

“Now you’re going to stay completely silent while I slip this diaper up over your red sore bottom! And you can stare and whimper at me all you like, you bought this on yourself”

“Maybe next time you won’t be such a grumpy young lady in front of all my friends! If I ask you to do something like cleaning or getting us some more drinks then I expect it to be done without any fuss and any moaning!”

“You’re going to wear this diaper, without anything else to cover it up and go back out there to all my friends and apologise for your behaviour! I want you to tell them all how sorry you are for being such a rude little girl and how you regret your behaviour! And if you don’t then that bottom will get ever sorer after they’ve left!”



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