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Miss Tinkle was well liked by all the girls in her class but she could be very strict and cruel when she thought it necessary.

All the girls in her class were encouraged to wet their diapers throughout their classes together and after a few weeks, many girls found that they would just automatically start wetting themselves whenever they felt like they needed to go. In fact, Miss Tinkle often rewarded girls who were very wet when she gave them a random check.

But when it came to dirty diapers there was a slightly different rule. All the student knew that whenever they felt themselves starting to mess their diapers they were to stand up and shout “Miss Tinkle, Miss Tinkle… I’m making poopies!”

That way she could easily keep track on which girls were stinky and which were still clean. It was deeply humiliating and despite every student having to shout it at least once a day, it always made all the other girls in the class laugh. Especially when the stinky one kept grunting and moaning between each word, trying to push it all out into her diaper.

There were strict punishments for those who tried to hide it, not wanting to shout out in front of all the other girls. Poor Susie here was forced to write “I made poopies! I’m a stinky stupid girl” at least one hundred times with no diaper change for the rest of the day! She would feel her stinky diaper mushing around all day as the rest of the girls giggled watching her at the front of the classroom. She knew there’d probably be worse punishments in line too…



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