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As soon as her partner walked into the clinic, she sprung up and hugged her, holding onto her tightly as the nurse walked in behind her.

“Hello Honey, are you okay?”

The nurse piped in quickly before the little girl had a chance to respond. “We’ve done a little tinkling with her vocals so we would advise her not to try and speak for another couple of hours. After that you’ll notice her new squeaky and lispy voice just as you requested”

“Brilliant!” She laughed at she looked down at what used to be her girlfriend. “I guess it’s not just a fantasy anymore baby girl!”

The nurse carried on speaking, ignoring the hateful glare from the little girl lying back in the chair.

“And we’ve put her back into pull-ups for the moment but I would suggest that as soon as you get back home you get her changed into thick diapers. One those little floodgates open, they’re not going to close easily!”



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