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How did you let it get this far?

First you had ordered some diapers online just out of curiosity. They were great, you loved them! And then ordered a few more in pink… only because they looked so cute on the website!

Then you though it would be pretty cool to have a matching outfit, or maybe a couple! There were so many little pink dresses with frills and lace all in different patterns, it was too hard to pick just one!

Now look at you, lying in your inflatable crib that you slept in every night (at least until the real one you just ordered arrives) with a stuffed toy and wearing on the the dresses that you love. As soon as you come into the house from work or shopping, you throw off your boring clothes and slip into one of these outfits! Plus there’s no feeling in the world quite like a newly wet diaper snug between your legs.



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