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Right now I have 42 patrons in the $5 Dollar reward tier, and only 13 in the $1 Dollar tier. So I want to ask some feedback from you.

I've considered making it so the illustrations and wallpapers are only for the $5 patrons, so it feels more rewarding giving those extra $4 Dollars.

What do you guys think?



I think throwing a bone to the $1 dollar patrons every so often would be a good idea but maybe they don't get ALL of the extra content.


what takes up more of your time, the wallpapers or the illustrations?


I guess that would be fine. Makes more sense at least.


That makes a bit of sence, however I'd give them a bone now and again


Changing up the tier system can definitely help. I'd suggest that every so often you provide a little something for the $1 tier.


Yeah, throw them a bone every once in awhile, but the 4 extra dollars should get the most out of it.


I like the idea, but every so often include them in on something small.