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Since we started the scheduling and tagging system, it was my hope that you would find it easier to find artwork of your favorite characters, and browse more easily!

Does it work as well as I hope?

How are you finding everything!

It is due to your support that we are able to make comics, so I want to make absolutely sure you're all happy! Please tell me if there's something I can do better for you!



I think it's pretty good. I've only been a Patron for a short while though.


I wish I could take advantage of the tagging but the app doesn't support it though. I still get the notifications and really enjoy your content.


The tags do work, however on the app, you need to go out of your way to find a piece that has a tag and then you can filter. That's just something you can't fix Merry, unless you get on Patreon's butt about it


Its pretty 👍


Someone else mentioned if you find a post with the tag, you can use the tags! Other than that, you'd have to use the browser version I'm afraid. Sorry!


True or you need to go your Patreon's page and type in the search bar the name of the tag. E.g. Nyarla


Mr. Badwifi here. The new system works fine. Just problems on my end trying to load the images.