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Merryweather, I oh so enjoy all these lewd posts of Nyarla. But I feel as if there should be some variation in our visual diets, don't get me wrong we all want the piece of THICC cake that is Nyarla, but cake for every meal is not good for the body. I love your comic stories and art, I am going to continue supporting you, I just want you to hear my thoughts


I'm having a little hard time understanding. Do you want variation in the lewds of Nyarla, or do you want more other content? Because I still update all the comics on the patreon discord. You should have access to it. Since there's so many comics I decided to primarily post the other updates on the Discord to avoid too much spam!


Like when for Halloween you did other lewd costume characters. What I'm saying is every so often choose a different character to lewd. Different girls with different body types if you understand what I mean


If I may also add to the comments here, I agree with Mr.Stobie up there with regards to having more pinups of different characters (variety is the spice of life). But I also have two other points . The first being the lack HD art for a while now (I.e no content for people paying $5) like the Internet chan a while back. The second, and this is more a curious one, being the fact that Nyarla has been drawn more for pinups than for the comic proper. Nothing really against that just more a weird sense of Crawing Dreams being more for promotion of the Patreon than being a comic that happens to have bonus art. (Now I’m just a guy typing away on the keyboard not the writer managing a bloody ton of comics with artists and other people to worry about)


Oh ok I see what you’re talking about, sorry haven’t really checked it in a while my bad.


There's so many $5 rewards that I can't post them on here or I would be spamming everyone