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What do you guys think about starting a new series with this illustrator? https://twitter.com/jairoumk3 Currently in discussions. He hasn't decided yet. It will be quite expensive however, so I wanted to check with my patreon backers. Please let me know your opinion!



JAIROU? Oh jesus christ almighty do indeed give me this.


I can't speak for everyone but i like it his art kinda reminds me of Asanagi


Yes please!!!


Yeah go for it! :)


I would love that but the choice is on you. Either way, we will support you.


Yea looks like some good ahego, can't say no to that 😁


please do it!


I agree you do this for science XD


Yes, please.


How much would that cost extra per month?


I want


Seems legit would do as long it doesn't break the bank but I dont think that will be an issue, we're all behind you on this one lol I give the yes please :3


I'm totally on board if it doesn't slow down any of the other tons of projects happening


I know this isn’t the popular vote, but I would prefer to not support someone that depicts children being molested. There’s some lines that just shouldn’t be crossed. However, I did like the art style. My hope would be that you find an artist that does something similar...and hopefully more affordable. Thank you for letting us give our two cents.

J. "Night Spark" M.

I feel like this should wait till you reach the 10,500 goal first and see how it goes from there. 1500 just seems a bit much. - As far as the art style goes; it good ,but how long is a comic page going to take? where is the comic going to be going up? What is the story type like? Is it going to be worth the money to dish out?


I respect your opinion, but in all honesty, most of the good indie artists have drawn art like that. Jairou is a really nice guy, and our comic will be safe for work.


I love his art style. Very very vibrant colors.


I aproove but it is your thing so the decision ultimately comes down to you so do what ya want


I think it'd be pretty interesting and new


I also think that it would be pretty interesting. I say go ahead if it's possible


I would consider wether or not the finances could support this new series if it is too expensive to produce. then there is the topic of negotiation and wether the current funding coming from Patreon would be enough to cover the currently running projects, making sure you and those you work with have financial security ,and the added cost of running this new project with (assuming from when you said they were "expensive") an illustrator that may add additional undue cost. In summary, take the time to not only get your house in order, see if the financials are stable enough to move forward with a new project ,and when negotiating a contract for bringing aboard someone new for a new project, take your time to insure both parties are happy.


I have to agree, take the time to think critically about how things should move forward as well as to put one's house into order and plan ahead for anything that may occur in the foreseeable future.