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Wow! Welcome everyone new! Thank you for pledging, and thank you so much to all the people who have stuck with me for such a long time! I have a few cool projects I can't wait to launch here on Patreon, with lots of exclusive benefits just for you guys. Until then, let's do a little Q&A! Feel free to ask me anything you like, and I'll answer!


John Paredes

First! love you work


Have you ever considered trying to animate,


WELL congratz on 1k!! Would you plan to make something to commemorate the milestone?


Thank you! Can't really think of anything right now, sadly. If people have any ideas, feel free to let me know!


Oh wow 1000 congratulations! you deserve every one of us supporting you. Your work is amazing keep it up \(•w•)/


Will we see more of Kobjac_Boho in Crawling Dreams?


I speak only the truth. And the truth must be heard! (/>0


Did you meet a guy named Alejandro in Tokyo? He's my brother!


What is your favorite series you’ve made?


Early Bird or Night Owl?


will izumo and anastasia meet again?

Bryan Jolly

Alright! 1000 patrons! You so earned it!


I’m sorry if you answered this in sometime before, but are the lewd Nyarla scenes canon? Just wondering lol. Keep up the great work!


Awesome!! Can't wait for more awesome stories, doing an amazing job!!


Are you sure you're not overworking yourself? You already have so many projects. PS. Loved the animated episode on YouTube. Take care ^~^


Not sure if you're still taking questions, but what has been your favorite piece/scene that you've done for all your series thus far?

Terrus Dawn

Outside of your own, are there any other webcomics you would personally recommend? Either popular or unknown.


Multiple Questions: Are you writing the scripts and then having the other artists do the actual comics? If so do you let them lay out the scenes or just let them go with the idea and give them a loose framework? I'm confused on which zone-tan is canon, it feels like it's been rebooted 3 times now... Is there a reason Steam dragon Express doesn't get posted here? What prevented Crawling city from continuing? I thought Crawling city and dream would run in parallel but that doesn't seem to be the case. Sorry in advance if you've answered these before!

Broderick Black

Do you think that there will ever be another clive barker game The Undying was great but it is dated now and the guy knows horror so do you think there's a comeback there.