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To open, I'll be honest with you, my Patreon supporters. A bad person has been harassing me and asking me for money to stop harassing me. I was stupid enough to give him money, but he kept demanding more and more.

Now he said he's gonna ruin my career unless I give him more money again, and tell my readers to donate to him.

I have screenshots of all these threats, and I'm in contact with the police about it. Because of it, I've decided to limit my internet use a lot, compared to earlier. I'm so sorry.

For the next month I've been planning the following;

The Steam Dragon Express with Porforever will be debutting as soon as possible. We're still working on it!

I'm doing a romance comedy series with a very talented hentai illustrator.

I'm doing something similar to aesthetic style of The Crawling City with an old friend I worked with 4 years ago. His artstyle will fit a lot.

I'm also doing more Zone-Tan and the LARP comic of course! Hope you're all looking forward to it, and I'm sorry for my absense. I'll start updating you guys on Patreon much more and work hard to get you lots of extra material in the following weeks.



Hey, I hope it all works out buddy. The romantic comedy looks promising if the artist is a hentai illustrator :) Can't wait to see what's coming next.


Hang in there! Hope things get back on track soon like Crawling City and such :3


don't worry Ms.Merryweather. That's nothing to apologize to all of us about. we'll all continue to support and love you. Just make sure you feel safe before all else.