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Aaaand that's it!

Hope you all enjoyed this last batch of strips, I worked a little extra to get it done a week early and give these two a happy ending before closing the patreon on Saturday.

I guess the question on everyone's minds is: will we see more of Boomer and Miles? Definitely! They're very versatile characters, there's a lot of jokes and cute moments I can get out of them. I just don't think I'll do long multipart strips or comics with them like this one, because I don't want to keep milking the same characters over and over.

I definitely have plans to do more with Joe, as well, which I feel like a lot of people are interested in, though I'm not sure in what format. Lengthier comics will take longer to make since I don't want to keep stressing myself to maintain a weekly schedule (and I'll definitely need a very long break before tackling something like Outclassed again). Besides, my immediate priority will be going back to Minotaur Hotel, since the writers are done with chapter 19 and I can start putting together the new build.

As always, thank you all for the support throughout these last 2 and a half years. It means the world to me. I'll urge you again to take the money you've been giving me and keep supporting creators in this platform, especially people in developing nations where USD income makes a bigger impact. See you guys around!



Andrew French

"Charlie...don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted." "What happened?" "He lived happily ever after."

Salman Eyes

I'm going to be cliche and say "Sayonara Nanoff" (Not really but it sounds cool). Great ending comic that's really satisfying and sexy to conclude the relationship between Miles and Boomer, that smile Boomer has in the last panel is everything. As for Joe, all I want is that he gains some character development and learn to not be a creep on dating apps, figure out a lifestyle that makes him happy and not be so desperate, and allow us to see his asshole. Is that too much to ask? I don't know. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to what you have in store next time!

Eppy NWS

Wait a minute... I remember that framing/shot *goes to check "Boomer's Big Date"* Yep! The last frame of this comic is the same as one of the cliffhanger frames in the original comic. Only in this pic... Boomer is smiling like crazy... instead of looking guilty as hell...


It was a good journey so far, thanks for the amazing comics, made every saturday a nice day


Thanks for all the comics! I'll be sure to keep following you on other platforms of course.

Zilch Woofs

Lovely guys! Will miss these regular comics, but glad to hear they're still going to appear once in a while.


Don't ever feel like these two are getting old or repetitive! Not saying don't do new stuff too, but we love these two. Anyway, thanks for all the great content, and good luck with life things! Wish you all the best, and will keep an eye out for anything else you share in the future.


And Joey too ! He's so sexy, so perv and so dumb...


Wow! I love your content, glad I found you. I think Joe should find a nice younger pig like himself. Having him realize he’s a daddy now is a good jumping off point. I’ll miss your content for real though. Good luck and thank you for the stories and sexy characters!


Thanks for the stories and characters, I'll miss this Patreon. It was a good ride :]


I'm not gonna lie ... your Patreon was one of the ones I looked forward to the most. I'll miss seeing you here, but I'll see your updates on Twitter and FA. Good luck and thanks for all the entertainment!


Thanks for all the work you've put in and I hope to keep supporting you in other ways!

Jonathan Wynter

Thanks for everything and will miss your work. Always looked forward to this

Ben Waldburger

I gotta say that I’ve always loved your material. I’ll be sure to keep up with ya on Twitter, FurAffinity and even itaku. Catch ya on the flipside!


I been a big fan for so long and I'm so happy to see everything you created up to now. I'm happy that I supported you!


Thank you so much for all that you’ve given us! I so enjoyed your story and characters.

Chad M Forshee [ReivaxLEGO]

As a fan of this series, I think lengthier formats are always fun to look forward to. But that’s just my opinion. Can’t wait to see more work from you!!!! 😈😤🤓🤩🐯🍑💦🍆🐺❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💘💖💓💗💞💕😘😍🥰😻


These two are so adorable and this is the perfect sendoff. Thank you so much :s


Thank you for your work. Wow two and a half years! Time flies...


Really gonna miss these comics on here, always was something to look forward to on here and was never disappointed. Catch you on twitter! cant wait for what you will do next.

Zeke Red

See you around Nanoff, thanks for everything


I love your works. I’m happy to have supported you. Please take care. Thank you!