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Hey everyone! Long time, no see. It's been a crazy year (for everyone) and I wanted to share a few updates over here.
General life stuff: 
I'm now our Lead Concept Artist at Wild Blue :) We've been working hard for clients including Riot, Proletariat, and others, and you can still swing by our weekly stream on Twitch where we review portfolios and chat about art! Highly recommended if you've liked the content that I've historically put out about getting into the industry.
I'm still living in Chicago since my job is remote. I've been off of public Twitter for quite a long time now, and this is definitely better for my mental health. I am learning more about my autistic behaviors through therapy in order to build a healthier relationship with myself! I now am a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation and have been overjoyed every day to have found a revolutionary organization to stay in the streets alongside and learn from. I'm also now 32 days into quitting drinking!
I had a really hard time getting back into creating personal art because I've been trying to spend less of my free time at my PC, but I just uploaded a post with some sketches that I've done in the last few months :)

As for Patreon updates:
First of all, I forgot to pause billing for this month and want to apologize in case anyone did not want to pay this month. If you want a refund, let me know directly and I'll happily provide it.
Second, I've been trying to find a way to smoothly migrate posts to Artstation, but it is not so simple as copy/paste for a variety of reasons, including that image-heavy posts are especially difficult. Because of that, I'm going to leave my Patreon as active at least as an archival hub for me to keep these posts alive so that I don't have to remember to pause it every month but the resources on this page continue to be accessible. I am unpublishing the $5 tier but people are of course welcome to stay on it!
I am making all of my old posts publicly available
You are welcome to stay as a Patron but I am not currently committing to a schedule of future posts at this time- thank you EVERYONE that chose to stuck around, thank you so so much. <3


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