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There's a lot to celebrate in April, so I'm trying out Patreon's Special Offer feature to promote the $5 AMA Asker tier. My birthday's on the 14th! It's tax season, how fun!

A couple of folks asked me to start doing AMAs again and I've been wanting to reintroduce a $5 tier, so my Ask Me Anything posts will be restarting on May 1st.

Want these 3 adorable stickers inspired by my most popular creature designs? Just sign up for the AMA Asker tier before the end of April! All signups will get this pack in the mail in mid to late May.

Current Patrons:

  • If you are a $1 Patron, you can get the stickers by bumping up to the AMA Asker tier.
  • If you are a $5 Patron or higher, get the stickers by switching your pledge from the old $5 tier to the AMA Asker tier. I'll send out a message at the end of the month as a reminder.

Thank you all for your continued support! I can't overemphasize how important Patreon has been for me. It covers my health insurance every month and takes a HUGE load off my shoulders. Every pledge, even at just $1/month, means the world to me! I appreciate you!



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