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WHEW. It has been a VERY busy past couple of weeks but I'm getting some me-art done while I can, including the shiny fancy new social media icon at the top of this. If I am able to finish the two illustrations below, you can expect to see at least one of them as process posts!

This cat witch illustration has been in the back of my mind the last several months. I started this piece wayyy back in the beginning of this year and always wanted to finish it, but kept tinkering and overrendering. This week, I opened it up and totally revamped the values and colors, which I'm much happier with! I had seen a few artworks on social media that had these beautiful bright, vivid greens in their backgrounds, and that inspired me to try that with this piece. As soon as I laid down the greens and blues, I was hooked. I actually made a wee bit more progress since that last GIF, you can see the most updated version as well as the original lineart here ^_^

This piece really resonates with me and I hope to finish it at some point. I haven't done a lot of full illustrations so it has continued to be a wonderful challenge.

Yall probably remember this piece, it's another image that I've been reworking and trying to take in a new direction. I like the original design- it's very pretty and calming, but I didn't feel like it had quite the personality that I was going for. I wanted to make her a bit more broody and add some more action to the composition, so I angled her body more and pushed the expression in her face.

Thanks for readin!



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