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I never got to play enough Spyro as a kid so I was PSYCHED to hear about the upcoming remaster (even though I don't have a current-gen console...gonna need one of those.)

These started as some warmup and cooldown doodles that I was making each day, but folks really enjoyed them so I turned it into a print on Inprnt. As part of the June rewards package, I'm sending out the store-wide monthly 10% discount promo code to all $5+ patrons! The code lasts for one week (that's just how Inprnt handles them) but if you're a $5+ patron and your code runs out, you can always message me later in the month for a fresh one. :D

Stay cool, cuties.

Edit: due to changes in the rewards, the discount will not be sent out in future months, but I be including the discount code for June in the message that alerts y'all that I have sent out all the miniprints for applicable Patrons. Feel free to message me sooner if you'd like it asap rather than in a few days. :) Thank you for understanding!



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