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I want to attempt making a doujin over some time, and I know I want to do soemthing with the autoscorers, but I have no idea on what i want to go for content wise.

Anything any of you'd want to see particularly, or specific scenarios you all enjoy in the doujins you like?



Definitely interested in scenarios involving gangbangs, exhibitionism, lots of cum, and of course BE/AE. But tbh I'll probably be down for anything you do in that regard.


The usual growth themes you do would be nice, though when it comes to a comic, seeing the sequence happen is the best. It's a toss up on what the premise could be though. The autoscorers helping Carol satisfy her "needs", Carol trying out different body types and proportions cause they wouldn't stop pestering her to do so, and so on. Or it could just be "This thing happened just cause." Up to you.


While I love expansion comics, maybe for a first doujin something along the lines of Carol and her harem of Autoscorers? futa, etc, maybe some big-ish assets, but moreso working on posing and sexual scenes than just growth?


I agree with the other suggestions, growth to a big size, 2-3 characters at first, and if you want to continue you can tease more of the dolls and the idea of hyper growth.