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The coils twisted and wound around Joel's body. The hard scaled body of the serpent lifted the struggling hunter off the ground. Joel hadn't meant to run across the beast. He was only trying to get across the river as he made his destination towards the next village. However, exhausted from a previous hunt, he got sloppy. And now here he was, in the coils of a great serpent. 

"Look into my eyesssssss." it hissed. 

"N-never!" he shot back, struggling desperately to not only free him other arm, but to damage the snake one way or another. 

"Look into my eyesssss hu-man," the creature repeated, squeezing more air out of Joel's body. The hunter gasped, eyes snapping open from the pain. And that had been his folly. As his eyes opened, it locked upon the glistening, rainbow glow of the hypno-conda. 

He stared into the eyes. The rhythmic pattern of colors flooded his vision. Blue, green, orange, blue. It was like looking into the ripples of the ocean, a sea of colors that filled the air around him. His struggles slowed. His grip loosen. He...he just couldn't help but look into those beautiful colors. They were so beautiful. So calming. He wasn't in any danger at all. He was safe in the embrace of his master. 

Joel hung limp in the coils of the beast, a goofy smile forming on his face as he relaxed, staring happily as saliva dripped onto his face and he was plunged into the darkness, reveling in the comfort of the tight interior of the serpent. 



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