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From now on, excessive disputed comments will be deleted and blocked if repeated.




앞으로 지나치게 분쟁적 댓글은 삭제 조치 후, 반복적일 경우 블락 하겠습니다.



분탕하나 때문에 뭔 고생인지 ㅋㅋㅋ 기본적으로 네토라세 노선을 정사로 삼고 찐ntr을 if로 푸는 방향자체는 좋다고 봅니다 다만 빌드업후 결과물이 아쉽긴 했어요. 그래도 저런식으로 애도 아니고 계속 비아냥댈정도는 아닌거같은데...


I agree with that decision. This is NT00 sensei's space and I think it is the right response to comments that are too harsh.


Sensei, I am proud to see you standing up to the bullies! They have been too excessive and too proud recently, great to see them finally get in trouble for it! Rest up and enjoy the rest of your relaxation this month!


이번 댓글엔 선 넘는게 있었죠 스토리 불만 있는거 이해하고 저도 불만 있는데 댓글창에다 이런식으로 푸는거는 좀 아니라고 봅니다


Keep doing what you want!


비아냥거리는 인간은 무시해버리세요 너무 강박에 시달리지 마시고 쉬시면서 멘탈 챙기시고 좋은작품으로 돌아와주세요 화이팅입니다


Agreed, please respect the author. Sensei can write whatever you want, this is your work after all.As your fan, i will support you no matter what.


2월달을 봐야되겠지만 쉬시고 잘 나오길 바랄뿐입니다. 쥔공하고 유미하고 아님 세나라도 하는 장면이 많이 나왔으면 하길 바랄뿐입니다.


충분히 공감합니다!


작가님 힘내세요!


I know that people can be passionate with their opinions but it comes to a point when it’s taken too far. Remember this is not your story, it’s the author story. He can write what ever he feels like and what he thinks is direction should go. Respect comes a long way. NT00 I appreciate ya and take your time. You got my support on whatever you do.


Honestly kinda cringe it had to come down to this, but keeping your community respectful is great too! Hope it doesn't take too much time away from your hard work.