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I think there are a lot of people who are disappointed in Part 2

The work has become a confusing situation between Pure love and NTR, and I have had a lot of thoughts and expressions recently.

In this IF, the relationship between the two does not change, It is a new type of IF where the story can continue.

I don't know how it'll look.

Let's think again about the direction of the painting during the break.

I am aware that the amount has been decreasing recently.

Condition problems and Live2D production,

When I think about the quality of the picture, I can't keep up with the quantity.

With next year just around the corner, I would like to express my apologies to those who felt disappointed and disappointed.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me, and I will do my best next year.

Happy New Year in advance.

my physical limitations, I organize and post PSD as soon as I wake up.















이번 Part2 이외에도 최근에 실망하신분이 많다고 생각합니다.

작품이 순애와 NTR사이에서 혼란스러운 상황이 되었고, 최근 구상과 표현에 고민이 많았습니다.

이번 IF는 둘사이의 관계가 변하지 않는, 스토리가 이어질수있는 새로운 타입의 IF입니다만 

어떻게 보일지 모르겠습니다.

휴식 기간동안 작품의 방향성에 대해 다시 생각을 가져보겠습니다.

최근 분량이 적어지고 있는것은 인지하고 있습니다.

컨디션문제와 라투디 제작, 그림의 퀄리티를 생각하다보니 전보다 분량을 못따라가 가게 되는것 같습니다.

내년이 코앞인 올해, 실망과 아쉬움을 느끼신분들에게 죄송하다는 말씀과

지원해주시는 모든분들에게 감사의 말씀을, 그리고 내년도 열심히 하겠다는 말씀을 드립니다.

미리 새해 복 많이 받으세요

체력의 한계로 PSD는 자고 일어난뒤 바로 정리해서 올리겠습니다



David Sanchez

Ppppppppp... Man I couldn't agree more with you, I've been saying it, since the middle of the year the author is breaking the characters, the love story has very little according to what we're seeing lately, that's why I said in a comment previous that right now Jin seems to be the MC of the story and Yumi has become another person as you mention, she seems unreliable, lately she manipulates and plays with Haru's mind and seems to enjoy her relationship with Jin, she hides things and that is basically cheating, the basis of netocouples is not to hide what you do since you do it with a clear objective that is to satisfy your partner, in my opinion the only thing Haru is guilty of is being a coward and letting Yumi be who makes the decisions but I sincerely believe that if what the author wants is to develop netorare then the relationship between Yumi and Haru should end, and that Yumi can continue developing her sexuality as she wants and with whoever she wants, but I must say go also that when that happens I will also leave because I came here to read a story between two people who love each other but who are broken and that is why they make bad decisions and along the way they will try to find the way to have a happy ending. I think that after 3 years, continuing to be locked in the netorase is not taking the story anywhere except for the possible breakup of the couple, for which, despite sounding repetitive, I think that the author from now on should clarify what kind of story Let's see, if this ultimately becomes netorare or continues to be a perverse love story, and let each of us decide whether to continue reading or not. Personally, I do not feel at all happy with the story that I have been reading from September to date, there are several factors that I have listed. 1. The interview chapter was cheating, that shouldn't have happened and Yumi hid it because she knew it was cheating and that it was wrong. 2. The curtain game was grotesque, there was no justification for doing it since Haru was already hard, Yumi could have had sex with him but instead she left him alone for hours and went to have sex with Jin and then ended up showing him her condoms. 3. The November episode started off good and ended HORRIBLE with Yumi hinting that she wanted to have raw sex with Jin and manipulating Haru into choosing the fake condom even though he already said no, so that makes me wonder, is it really Haru? who makes the decisions or is it Yumi manipulating Haru. 4. The Christmas chapter did not show ANYTHING, an INCOMPLETE previous video, which then leaves the plot hole with the VERY BAD EXPLANATION, that it was previously recorded, but ok if it was previously recorded then how did it end? It is absolutely impossible that Jin was satisfied with only blowjob and titjob, she leaves many questions, did they have sex? did you use the special condom? did she finally creampie him or did she not let her? And finally, they show us only Haru's decision and see how Sena was (to finish doing it wrong) and how the two were filled by Haru without ONE SEX IMAGE, and to end the year they give us an IF that leaves all broken characters with too much OOC hyphen. The author has been flirting with Netorare for months, with breaking the Netorase line and unfortunately that cannot be solved simply by saying, the relationship has not changed, OBVIOUSLY IT HAS CHANGED, Yumi has begun to deceive Haru, she constantly manipulates him, she is only dedicated to satisfy Jin's demands, Haru instead of being better off having a formal relationship with Yumi is worse than ever and increasingly addicted. In short, I have tried to disconnect from here every few days and not read the story again because every time I read it I keep seeing that lately there are more and more red flags that tell me that this is wrong. Personally I will wait a couple more chapters to see which way the story takes to see if I continue reading or not. Regards.


The biggest problem is that many people think that they are the ones who can stop the day with the outcome story, ignoring the middle story. Even the things that happen in the middle of the story happen because Haru couldn't stop them. It's all because of the day. Ignored the process and Haru didn't reject it, so Yumi did nothing wrong. When I say these things, I don't know if they're reading a story or a report that only weighs results. I'm rather sorry for the lack of sexual pictures. I think these people are making better judgments.

David Sanchez

Unfortunately, it seems that a large part of the fandom only seems to see the images of sex without paying attention to the story, but there are others who have been following this for a long time and the images are definitely the perfect complement, but the important thing is to follow the story, its development and how we reached a satisfactory conclusion that goes according to the basis of the story and that is one of the biggest problems currently, that the story began to get out of its base and I personally believe that the author still has time to go back to basics and develop the story into the future without continuing to break it and transform its characters into something they are not. It's a shame not to be able to show an image that makes you see the difference between the story before and what it is now, perhaps that way it would be better understood why we feel that way.


If we had changed the current story a little bit and made it an IF story, readers like our thoughts would have understood this situation as yes because it is an IF story. The author confirmed that the Ture story is pure love. How can you tell a lover that it is pure love to tell lies and hide them? Does purity mean something else that the writer is talking about? Is it pure love that Soon-ae hides and lies to her lover? The writer must have thought a lot about the story, but this is a glaring mistake. The writer seems to think that readers will not doubt what kind of story I tell because Haru and Yumi are Soonae. What a simple idea. The title of the story is There's Something Loose in Her Head, so do you want me to understand whatever I do? I hope it will be February soon.for my own judgment

David Sanchez

lol but, you have to wait almost until March, since maybe he will most likely start drawing at the beginning of February, so you just have to be patient.


Honestly, are you looking forward to the story? Or do you want to see what story the writer will bring? I'm the latter. IF Story is now no different from other NTR comics. Yumi now allows Hojin the same all actions that were allowed only for Haru. What you couldn't do to Haru will only be allowed to Hojin and will continue to bother him. If you're bored, you're going to do a few episodes. If you're bored, you're going to include Sena. If you're bored, you're going to include seniors. If you're bored, you're going to do 3p, 4p. In this way, the act of extending the serial period is carried out. A writer just makes a haru stupid asshole. True Story has already revealed that the author is pure love, but it is confusing and a lot of the parts needed to show the story have been deleted. brought himself to disagree with the writer's argument If don't convince me of this, it's just a dead story. The author talked about "Haru" and "Yumi" looking for their own pure love, although they are not ordinary. But now 'Yumi' is hide and lie to 'Haru'. and 'Haru' is just a stupid bastard.

David Sanchez

relax bro... I want to see what the author intends to write, in any case what I'm saying is that if the story continues the way it's going I'd rather stop reading it, because I don't like what the characters have become. As for the IF route, I never been a big fan, I am more in favor of a TRUE route with Haru's delusions as the story was before, it is true that The last IF chapter is no different from a generic NTR, in fact Yumi says that she no longer cares if Haru is cured of his condition, that's why it makes me laugh and annoyed that the author says... in this IF the relationship between them doesn't change hahahaha too funny to say that and for your character to say that she doesn't care and that she's not his girlfriend anymore that it's just YURA the Jin's girlfriend, so the relationship doesn't change but she's literally breaking up with Haru and her only interest is to torture him? I really do not want to see it under any circumstances, and I hope that this Christmas IF remains as something isolated that should never happened.


이런 장르의 망가는 많이 보지는 않았지만 금기(유미의 경우 콘돔은 무조건 낄 것, 찍은 영상은 하루에게 숨기지 말고 보낼 것, 키스 ㄴㄴ)를 하나하나 깨어가는 과정이 ntr의 묘미라고 말하는 사람이 많더라구요. 그래서 캐릭터의 고유의 성격이 있다고는 해도 유미가 그런 쪽으로 가고 있는게 아닌가 싶어요. 딥키스 같은 경우 결국 하루가 허용 안 하면 다시는 안 할 거라는 엄포(?)를 놓아버리니 하루의 경우는 쉽게 하지 말라는 말을 못 하고 허용하지요. 영상 찍은 건 무조건 하루에게 보낸다의 경우도 인터뷰 영상이 있고요. 그리고 마지막으로 콘돔 같은 경우 유미 본인은 하루 이외에 노콘은 안한다. 선배도 허용 안해줬는데 쟤한테 왜 해주냐고 했고. 하루도 안 썼으면 좋겠다고 했음에도 치료를 명목으로 해야 될 일인 것처럼 말하는 것 보면 결국은..? 물론 만화를 보면 유미가 워낙 요망하고 하루에게 장난을 잘 치는 모습을 많이 보여줬지만 위에 말한 금기 2개가 이미 깨졌기 때문에 콘돔은 무조건 낄 것 이란 약속도 얼마 안 가서 깨질 것 같음. 결국 진행을 할려면 노콘에 질싸는 필수가 아닌가 싶기도 하고.. 그리고 진행되는 걸 보면 확실히 하루는 끌려 다니고. 이득은 진만 보고 있고. 유미는..하루를 위한 다지만 진짜 하루편이 맞나 싶긴 해요.


그러니까 트루 스토리를 망치고 있다는 의견들이 대다수 인거에요. 작가가 순애 스토리를 잘 안봤나 봐요. 본인은 순애라고 말해놓고 흐름은 흔한 NTR물에서 여주가 남주 딱 의심사게 만드는 스토리로 그리고 있는데. 정작 작가본인은 '하루와 유미는 변하지 않는 순애입니다~'. 이러고 있으니 누가 믿겠냐구요. 무지성 실더들은 이게 하루 때문이니까 하루가 다 잘못이다 이러고 있고 ㅋ. 애초에 하루는 그냥 유미를 좋아하다 유미 때문에 네토 성향 생긴건데 그건 싹 무시하고 하루 때문에 유미만 희생하고 있다 이런 결과론적 얘기만 하고 있으니. 이럴꺼면 본편 스토리를 왜 그렇게 만든건지 그냥 거기서 끝내기엔 유미 얘기 하고 나서 구독자 수 달달하니까 어거지로 이어가는건지. 지금 상황으로는 트루스토리가 NTR각임. 하루는 얼굴 나온다고 몰입 방해된다면서 쳐 지우질 않나. 그러면서 호진 얼굴은 지우는 꼴을 본적이 없음. 누가 주인공임? 그냥 유미하고 호진이 하는 섹스가 더 좋다고 하세요 작가님.


I suddenly remembered. Haru and Yumi once erased Haru's face, which had been completed under the pretext of concentration, without drawing Haru's face properly when having sex. On the other hand, a writer who has never erased his "Hojin" face. Just say Hojin and Yumi's sex is more exciting. Who is the main character?

David Sanchez

Hahahaha bro… As I previously commented, if you keep looking you will continue to find things and situations that will bother you more and more over time, the point is clear and that is that the author has focused on giving relevance and screen to the relationship of Yumi and Jin with the consequence that the characters have left their construction base, they are no longer the same, the story is not the same and clearly many have noticed it and that is why there is so much discontent, I just hope that the author can hear about the things that are not they seem to go according to the plot line and correct them, as long as that is what he wants to convey, if on the contrary his idea is something else then there is nothing left but to accept it and move on with our lives, we will find another story later that catches us, we just have to be patient and have faith that the author will be able to fix everything and if he doesn't we will accept it, we will leave and move on. But my personal recommendation is that you don't bother rereading the story because believe me you're going to continue getting frustrated, it already happened to me and that's why I said, I'm not going to read it again or I'll definitely go crazy, we have to wait and see that brings us in next episode. If we're lucky, when he announces that he's started working on the next chapter, he'll clarify what direction his painting will take from here on out, and that'll give us an idea of what we can expect from the story in the future.


If there's no change in the number of subscribers anyway, the writer would think that our opinion is just a crap. Even if you guys don't see to this story, There's a lot of people to see. So get lost. might already think like this. hahaha

David Sanchez

Umm… maybe but what else can you do beyond giving an opinion, waiting, having faith that something will change or improve? It's up to you to continue, but what I don't recommend is to continue doing something that you don't enjoy.


저는 왠지 유미가 하루에게 호진이랑 키스해도 돼냐고 물어본 시점에서 유미도 호진이랑 하는걸 즐기고 있는게 아닌가 하는 생각이 들었네요. 호진이 꼬드기기도 했지만 유미 본인이 키스 ㄴㄴ라는 약속을 너무 쉽게 깨버렸단 느낌이 들어서 그리고 유미 본인도 즐기는거 아닌가 하는 의심이 든 상황에 소심한 하루가 딥키스 까지는 좀..하니 엄포를 놓아버리는 상황이 좀 띠용 했네요. 그 소심한 성격을 이용한듯한? 느낌을 받아서 진짜 하루를 위했다면. 연인이라면 보통 천천히 맞춰주는게 맞지 않나..? 유미가 좀 급발진 했다 라고 생각했음. 아무튼 꼬드기는 호진. 그걸 듣고 하루에게 제안하지만 이게 진짜 하루를 위한건가? 본인이 즐기기 위한게 아닌가? 하는 느낌을 받아서 이게 순애가 맞나??


이미 태도가 바뀌어 버린거 아냐? 라는 상상을 하게 만드는 그림들이 너무 많습니다. - 말하기도 지겨운 처음 딥키스를 하는 에피소드 영상, 인터뷰 에피소드 영상 딥키스 에피소드 2개 영상에선 호진의 예상치 못한 행동에 당황하는 표정으로 오늘은 그만 할꺼야! 하고 끊은 다음 태도가 돌변해 애정 어린 섹스 영상이 하나 더 있었습니다. 그만 한다고 했지만 섹스 했습니다. 거짓말이죠 인터뷰 에피소드 영상. 유미는 이것을 찍으면서 이게 하루에게 보여진다면 하루는 더 한 걸 요구 할지도 모른다고 하고 호진에게 보여주지 말라고 하죠. 하지만 호진은 하루에게 바로 보내버리죠? 그래서 하루는 호진과 유미의 섹스모습을 보여달라고 합니다. 여기서 알 수 있는 건 유미는 하루에게 모든걸 보여주겠다고 호진과 처음 관계하면서 한 약속 자신과 했던 모든걸 하루에게 보내줘야 한다는 자신의 말을 어기고 있습니다. 하루를 속이고 있습니다. 여기에 더해서 유미는 이미 호진을 하루보다 더 믿고 있다는 겁니다. 이 영상을 찍으면서 호진에게 보내지 말라고 했고 호진은 약속을 지킬 것이라고 생각한것입니다. 그러니까 영상을 찍었겠죠. 반면 하루는 이런 영상이 있으면 무엇을 더 할지 모르니까 믿지 못하고 숨긴것이구요. 말 다 한거 아닌가요? 그리고 이 영상으로 인해 어떤 상황이 있을지도 아는 유미가 거부했으면 됐습니다. 호진의 말에 거부하지 않았고 그만큼 호진의 말에 따르고 있는 유미입니다. 하루는 싫다고 처음에 말한것도 다시 한번 자극해서 얻어내는 유미인데 이걸 어떻게 독자들은 이해해야 하나요? 그래도 하루가 개새끼입니까? 그리고 이번 크리스마스 에피소드에서 유미는 호진과 미리 영상을 찍어놓았고 파이즈리로 한발 빼는 것과 특수콘듬의 모습까지 하루에게 보여주었습니다. 하지만 위의 두 가지 에피소드로 인해 독자들은 더 안보여 준 영상이 있을 것이다. 섹스 하는 것이 지금까지 보여준 에피소드 흐름이라면 당연한 수순 아닌가? 라는 타당한 상상을 할 수 있게 되었죠. 그리고 스토리가 진행되면서 변화되는 유미의 표정을 주목해 보세요. 유미는 초반 호진과 섹스할때 표정은 좋아하는 표정이 아니었습니다. 하지만 딥키스 영상 이후의 호진과 섹스할때 표정을 보십시오. 이제는 즐기는 표정입니다. 뭐 그림 퀄이 올라가서 그렇다? 그림 퀄이 올라가는 거랑 표정하고는 하등 상관없는 이야기죠? 이렇게 허점을 너무 많이 넣어놨어요 작가는 트루 스토리에 하루와 유미의 변하지 않는 순수한 사랑을 표명하고 있습니다. 근데 스토리 진행이 과연 변하지 않는 순수한 사랑을 가진 커플의 이야기입니까? 전형적인 처음엔 남주를 사랑해서 남주의 요구를 맞춰주지만 서서히 몸의 쾌락에 저항하지 못해 남주에게 거짓말하고 속이고 쾌락에 솔직해져서 남주보다 다른 사람을 더 믿는 그런 흔한 NTR망가 스토리처럼 보이게 만들었습니다. 차라리 트루 스토리를 NTR스토리라고 하는게 더 설득력 있는 현재에요. 마지막에 하루가 확실히 질싸하는 것을 보여주는 것도 아니고 그렇게 느끼게 만드는 컷 하나 넣었다고 이건 '변하지 않는 순수한 사랑이야기야' 라고 무마시키려 하고 있는 작가의 상태입니다.


Hey bro, look at the story of "Fanmade". Rather that's a much more convincing story lol He did this in a short period of time with his existing assets. Without a hole in the story.


Is there a way to get a message that you can't write here?