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Folks, I forgot to post the poll in here. No worries, because I will STILL count your comments as votes!! Keep voting! 



When I saw the poll I was briefly optimistic that we’d get the shower episode but then I checked YouTube - I know you have to give fans what they want and that I’m in the minority in that I don’t prefer the bathroom stuff. But - my kingdom for Amanda in the shower!


Why are you no longer optimistic? The YouTube voting is roughly even and the shower episode has a big lead here, where votes count double. I agree with you on the bathroom stuff. The joke was funny the first time, but by the 50th time, the same thing gets old.


In the Community section of the Youtube page, there are 634 votes and the bathroom video has received 84%. Again, I know that’s what the majority of viewers seek - I’m not sure why non-bathroom options are even included in the choices.